what Mary knew

it was a sudden intervention*
which startled her to fear
the words of hope familiar, longed for
but now through her God comes near

how could this be, she pondered —
She gathered all she knew
but came up short and so she asked,
her soul then given view.

a Holy golden seed was offered
though existing long ago,
Her permission yet was asked for, granted.
And wonder now would grow.

the daily changes subtle,
something within was true!
9 months with mercy mounting
she voiced out all she knew.

“Great things He’s able”, she rejoiced
“He brings down and lifts up”
She saw through corridors of time.
But more would be her cup.

the private becomes public
the darkness blind to light
the Caesar seems to be in charge
and delivery will be tonight.

sudden things — then slow things —
and pain at the pace of a mule,
but asking Him and waiting
would be her lifetime rule.

She couldn’t know, nor any
How grand His reach would grow
Or how long before fulfillment
of His promised final show

But what she did know kept her
Midst all that seemed undone
Midst all that pierced her heart in sorrow
This was God’s Holy son!

And then the One who turned the tables
Came back for every one
who granted, like Mary first, allowing —
then waiting, asking, holding the Holy One emplanted

* “intervention”= late 16th century (in the sense ‘come in as an extraneous factor or thing’; extraneous meaning ‘separate from the object to which it is attached’): from Latin intervenire, from inter-‘between’ + venire‘come’

6 thoughts on “what Mary knew

    1. marynees Post author

      oh thank-you Judy and for taking the time with it. I started a different piece in prose, but so many words cant even touch the wonder of this!

  1. Barbara Deweese

    Mary, I have been sitting with this over several readings and each time it reveals more awe and wonder, gratitude for her pure submission and obedience. I do love your work, insights and careful choice of words. They are uplifting and beautiful.
    Merry Christmas to all you have blessed by giving them birth and chosen to marry. And most of all you, you, my friend Mary, another obedient and kind woman of God. May you all be blessed and renewed this day as we remember the Savior born this night into humble means and heavenly role.

    1. marynees Post author

      Barbi, I too watched you love and raise all three of your little ones with such careful kindness. This morning I thought of how Jesus loved His mom (!) and came into relationship with humans to know exactly and personally what we know and to honor our own pitiful circumstances with His covering abiding fullest giving of holiest love. He knew her and treasured her and now he treasures us too! oh it is too much to hold in my pitiful heart! I love you Jesus. Come back in your completing work soon!

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