
Here’s a beautiful little passage out of a piece I am working on/struggling with right now. I will not show the whole, for it is kind of a mess. The whole piece actually may never get finished in the way I want it to. In fact this morning, I realized that my problem is that I am trying to “make it happen”. I am trying to aesthetically force a conclusion, and it is not working! I have learned/keep on learning that once energy moves in that direction, it is a recipe for failure. So, I will work in my garden today and ease back.

The vision I’ve had for this larger piece is the prophetic statements of Balaam over Israel. You can read that strange but true series of events in Numbers 22-24. If you know that story then maybe the irony is already hitting you, for Balaam too is confronting an unfinished vision. He could not curse Israel, though he was given much incentive to do otherwise with his prophetic skill. What Balaam sees in his last vision is a dramatic statement of something sure to come, but far distant. I have been thinking on his utterance “I see Him, but not now. I behold Him, but not yet” for years and years…

As for my piece…it may get torn up and used as fragments in many new pieces. That would be fitting. I can settle with regeneration, might actually be better.

One thought on “unfinished

  1. Delro Rosco


    I can so relate to your struggle and process. The beautiful part of it all whether the piece gets finished or not, is that the journey will somehow surface into future works or something unexpected.

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